Day #14 – To Brute


Today’s assignment – Pick up the nearest book and flip to page 29. What’s the first word that jumps off the page? Use this word as your springboard for inspiration. write a letter to the word or an image, or an open letter to the world inspired by the word.

The book I have closest to me is On Her Majesty’s Secret Service by Ian Fleming and thankfully the Kindle App shows page numbers. Here’s page 29:


The one word that jumps out to me was brute. So here’s my letter to the word and I thought I’d do it with a rhyme.


When I was a kid, you were the first cologne I wore,

Not because I liked you, but you were the cheapest in the store.

Your name invokes images of different things,

Mancho, manly stuff, like boxers in rings.

And even if it’s not pronounced the same way,

You’re mentioned in a popular line scholars often say,

when reading those immortal words, “Et tu, Brute?”

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Filed under Writing 101

10 responses to “Day #14 – To Brute

  1. A great twist on the word. It reminded me of the other cologne rival to Brute around at the same time called ‘Denim’. It’s slogan was “for the man who doesn’t have to try, too hard”.

  2. Ha! I love it! I think Brute might have been one of the first colognes I wore (because someone gave me a little sample in my Christmas stocking)… of course I bathed my entire body in it and knocked everybody in the house over until my Mom helped me see the error of my ways… good times! (I always love your graphics, by the way!)

  3. Brut is the single reason why I don’t and won’t wear cologne. It always smacked of a guy trying too hard, know what I mean?

    Side note: OHMSS is my favorite 007 novel.

    Really good twist on the word you did here.

  4. Clever take on the word!

  5. Loved it esp “Et tu Brute!” 🙂

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think.