Day #13 – Found It


Today’s assignment – On day four, you wrote a post about losing something. Today, write about finding something. Use this one as the second installment.

In Regarding Loss, I wrote that the only loss I’ve had recently is the trouble I had letting go of my first novel, Gather Sticks Along the Way.

The way I’ve now begun to get over this is not by something I found, but something I found out about myself. What I found was acceptance of the past. 

The problem I had was that I felt whatever I did in the past defined who I was or what I could do today.

What I found is that whatever I’ve done before is only a reflection on what I could do then. I need to be looking forward and focusing on what I can do better now.

It was that realization that started urging me to develop my second novel, as I mentioned in a previous post.

And it’s making me look forward to what else I might find.


Filed under Writing 101

5 responses to “Day #13 – Found It

  1. Best sentence: I need to be looking forward and focusing on what I can do better now.
    Great post, and best of luck on your new book.

  2. that was so fabulous you son of a gun

  3. Pingback: Day #16 – Lost and Found | Thinking Out Loud | gtylermills

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