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Five Words From Winston

If you’ve seen this quote before, you were lied to. Albeit popular, it isn’t true. These may be Winston Churchill’s most famous words, but they were never spoken by him. Although it’s attributed to him on stickers and bookmarks, most historians say he never said it. In a way, he didn’t have to say this. Who else could have used five words and it be considered a historical event? How could the smallest, most normal sentence go down in world history? Because of who it came from. Churchill is regarded as one of the greatest wartime leaders in world history. He stood up against an unforeseen evil and refused to consider failure. It was his courage alone that compelled a country to fight for it’s beliefs. He was also an artist, an author, and the first Honorary Citizen of the United States. 

To me a quote has always been measured by not only what it says, but also who said it. Quotes are meant to carry connotation, to carry weight. They are meant to say more than just the words that are read. And they speak louder when they come from someone with a voice behind it. Whether it’s someone of unshakably integrity or someone whose sheer will changed the world. The person who spoke it means as much, if not more, than what is said. Actions speak louder than words and quoting someone is the epitome of this. Even though it’s the words that live on in quotes, it’s the person who gave them life that’s everlasting.

So whether or not Winston truly uttered these words is a moot point. We will all go on assuming he did, because no one else could have said it better.

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