Tag Archives: Happiness Bar Graph

How to Make Your Lady Happy


Say you did something stupid. It’s not hard to imagine. Guys do things all the time. We might leave the toilet seat up, never wash the dishes, forget birthdays or anniversaries, or hide your favorite foods so she doesn’t eat them all before you get a chance to EVEN HAVE JUST ONE! Regardless, when this happens, here’s what you can do; You make your own card!

I recently had a special occasion in celebrating my four year anniversary with my wife. And for that I made my own card. It’s something I’ve been doing since we started dating. Here’s how it’s done:

Start with a basic poster board. You can either buy a large one and cut it in half or buy a smaller one.


Fold the piece you’ve chosen in half to make a card.


Make up a little rhyme with three verses, one for each page. Try and save the best verse for the last page. Write out the poem on the card. I try it out with pencil first, then go back over it with a marker.


Make a few doodles and add a little color. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Just do your best and stick to what you know you can do.


For an extra measure of cuteness have your kids color on the back of the card. Here’s my boys making out their card to mommy. If you don’t have your own, try to borrow them from someone else. Family members will throw kids at you at the drop of a hat.

Sawyer and Lincoln (mostly Sawyer) coloring

Sawyer and Lincoln (mostly Sawyer) coloring

And that’s it! You’re done. Don’t be tempted to go back and change things or add to it. Keep it simple. Remember that craftsmanship isn’t key, effort is. Just doing your best and letting it show says more than the finish product. Now you’ve completed a card she’ll cherish. Present it when she least expects it and you’ve done it.



Here’s a quick study I did to show this lessons effectiveness.

What an increase!

Wow what an increase in happiness! That’s effective! If you found this post helpful please leave a comment or share with others. Men need all the help we can get.


Filed under Fatherhood, Marriage, Men, Tutorial