Five Free Apps for Every Dad


In a previous post I discussed five apps I think were great for men. As a guy, you are mostly likely on your phone a lot. As a dad, you are probably on your phone too much, but more on that later.

Finding free apps for guys was easy, but dads are harder. Not because there’s not a lot of apps out there targeted towards dads. There’s tons. The thing I found was most of them were useless. They were apps about mixing drinks, finding the closest sports bars, grilling steaks, or clips of Family Guy and hardly any of those were even free. Not that there’s anything wrong with those apps, I’m sure they’re great. But is that really the only apps for dads? If you’ve watched a sitcom recently then, yes, that’s pretty much what guys are expected to turn into once they have kids. Lovable, bumbling idiots who everyone else just tolerates. That’s it. What’s worse is that based on the popularity of these apps, most of men are doing just that.

So here’s a few free apps I think are especially helpful for dads, real dads, today:

  • First Aid by American Red Cross -So chances areamerican-red-cross-first-aid-app if you have a medical emergency your first instinct won’t be do whip out your phone and search through an app, but after emergency services have been contacted this may be helpful as you stand by. With tips, step-by-step instructions, and quizzes this app really is something great to have in a pinch or just to help past some time. Tons of great stuff dads can learn.
  • Endless Alphabet – There’s a few apps that are fun for kidsEndlessAlphabet and help them learn something. Not only does this one do that, it’s actually pretty fun. You pick a word, scramble the letters, then drag them back to place. The animations are great and the sounds affects are actually funny. I can speak from experience that this app will keep you and your kids entertained in any waiting room.
  • Kindle App – Guys need to read. Most guys don’t. KindleAppBuy a book and keep it on your phone. You’ll be doing yourself some good and setting a good example. I could say more on this, but it’s really that simple.
  • Dinner Spinner – Guys will eat mostly anything. I never had a problem finding something to eat as a single guy, but as a dad, it’s more complicated. I have no problem fixing meals when I know what to do. This app does just that. Put in the meal you’dDinnerSpin like to make, the main ingredient, time frame, and you are given a list of meals to prepare with step-by-step instructions. This app is from so you know there’s some good food to find.
  • Lock Button – Phones already come equipped with this feature. Most of the time it’s pretty conveniently located. So use it. Lock your phone and put it down and pay attention to your kids. Remember when you were growing up and your dad was always playing on his phone? Probably not. Don’t let your kids think your phone is just one more thing they have to compete with for your attention.

Our phones allow us to do more than we probably dreamed but but apps can be just as effectively unproductive. Don’t waste your time with apps that are targeted to dads and provide nothing you actually need. Don’t spend money on apps that are going to be nothing more than a distraction for you. As with everything else, moderation is key.

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Filed under Fatherhood, Men

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